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About Dr. Saundra
Dr. Saundra Wall Williams, CEO, and President of WMS Corporation is the Master Vision Building Coach and Momentum Mentor.

Dr. Saundra's mission is to provide women with the tools to grow personally, spiritually, and professionally and eliminate those barriers that are holding them back so that they can show up and do the work to reach their next level of success.

Her clients are professionals who are ready for their next-level careers, coaches, authors, women in ministry, women entrepreneurs, and women who have a career but they desire to operate in ministry or start a coaching/mentorship business.

She is also an Adjunct Assistant Research Professor at North Carolina State University in the Department of Education Leadership, Policy, and Human Development.

She was formerly the
 Senior Vice President and Chief of Technology for the North Carolina Community College System. One of the nation’s leading authorities on technology leadership, she led information technology, distance learning, information technology security, project management, business intelligence, data programming, and reporting. Her expertise in technology leadership has been featured in books, leading technology media, and national CIO Forums.

She was named North Carolina CIO of the Year, North Carolina Technology Woman of the Year, and NC State College of Sciences Alumni of the Year.

She founded Vision Building Women, a premier online network for women in leadership focusing on community, empowerment, motivation, and accountability.

Dr. Saundra is an ordained elder and a member of the College of Ordained Elders in the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International. She is the Director of the Spiritual Growth and Discipleship Division at Solid Rock Ministry International. She is also the founder of T.E.A.C.H. Ministries, an international ministry for women ministers and women in ministry leadership.

Dr. Saundra has delivered numerous workshops, coaching sessions, keynotes, seminars and training programs.
She serves on the Board of Directors for corporations and education institutions; and the Steering Committee for Wake Invests In Women.

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